Thursday, March 20, 2008

Is the"Pearl of Great Price" The Ugly Step-Child of Mormonism?

Every 5-10 years , whatever geriatric-MAN happens to be playing the role of Mormon Prophet at the time, issues a challenge from the pulpit in General Conference to the Mormon faithful, to once again, read the entire Book of Mormon before the end of that given year for the umpteenth time.

Morg-bots then set their collective minds on the task of accomplishing this goal. Families accommodate the mandate by waking their children up earlier in the morning, individuals can be seen reading the book while commuting to work on public transportation, articles in the Ensign and Church News, trumpet the dedication and personal sacrifice of members the world over who once again have suffered through yet another boring ‘READ’ of the Book of Mormon. And those not so faithful ,but still believing Mormon’s, have yet one more thing to feel guilty over when they start but never finish the book.

But…what about the poor ugly red headed step child of Mormonism, "The Pearl of Great Price”. Why is it constantly being left out of the fun? There has NEVER been a challenge issued by Morg Central to read the very book that contains the writings of Abraham…written by his own hand no less… or the Books of Moses…damn Joseph actually received the same exact revelation that Moses did…but Moses screwed up and his revelatory version became tainted and mistranslated by unworthy men. .. Thank GOD, Joseph got his copy directly from GOD…there were no messy rocks in hats or golden plates to get in the way....just Gods mouth directly to Joseph's ears. You’ve got to love pure Revelation. And last, but certainly not least the “History of Joseph Smith” well at least the history HE wanted us to believe. OMG and don't forget all those proclamations on Polygamy and Black men finally receiving the same super human powers as White men...

So WHY is the PoGP ignored and consigned to second class status? Why is it relegated to mere parsing and 'single verse' quotation status? If it truly is a PEARL of such GREAT PRICE why doesn't the Mormon Prophets shout its amazing story from the roof tops as well? Why can't it be the Third Witness for Jesus Christ? Hell one wasn't enough in the first place...why stop at just two? Why aren’t the Mormon faithful challenged to read all of its pages through every 5-10 years….hell it’s small enough that they wouldn’t even need a full year to read it through…they could challenge the Morg-bots to read it through in between conference sessions.

And Hell, think of all the benefits… think of all the extra time families could really spend together…all the extra time individuals could spend on real important things like…making more money to increase tithing revenues…and think of all those poor guilt imbued Mormon’s who will finally have a challenge they can actually complete.

Of course, unless the PoGP REALLY is something the Mormon hierarchy is embarrassed about and doesn’t want its membership to read in one straight sitting? Gee…someone may actually ask some hard questions about what those facsimiles really are.

Best to keep that Ugly Step Child locked up in the morg basement where it belongs I guess….


Soy Yo said...

I can not stop laughing; this post is so dead on it is scary. The PoGP is what tipped the scales for me and made my eyes open to the fraud that Joseph's Myth really was. Your question has inspired me to take the "in-between conference challenge". I am going to submit myself to months of reading the joke that is the Book of Abraham and I am going to fill up notebook after notebook of issues I have with it. Any True Believing Mormon is welcome to join me and after we are done we can compare notes.

Come October conference, I will return and report.

Cr@ig said...

Hell Soy Yo,

I'll join you in the challenge...

Remember to return and report


Interested said...

Okay, I'm in. I'll start reading that inspiring piece of work and join the conversation!

Mari said...

On account of being a red-head, I must protest about "ugly step-child" and "red-headed" being used together..... completely discriminatory!!

Cr@ig said...


I admire your firey dispostition (aren't "all" red heads firey?)
Discrimination is slective treatment of people based on a personal I was not selective but applied my statement to all red headed step children...I was NOT being discriminatory...insensitive YES but not discriminatory...