Monday, March 06, 2006

Miracles DO Happen

Since leaving the church, Sundays have been the worst day of the week. I stay at home, relax, and watch TV, read the Sunday paper while my family goes off to do their duty by attending faithfully all 3 hours of their Sunday meetings. Then, they all return with a chip on their shoulder because their apostate husband/father didn’t attend church. The #$%& always seemed to hit the to speak. Sundays were just plain awful.

Well I’m here to testify that there are still miracles, that there is such a thing as Recovery from Mormonism, that a TBM and an apostate CAN remain married and get along through compromise.

I can’t honestly tell you what it was that created this thawing of feelings and emotions...(but stopping posting on RFM helped) but Sundays have become more relaxed and the #$%& hasn’t hit the fan in three weeks. My wife returns from church happy and somewhat comfortable with my non-attendance. She's Found a Happy Place. We’re actually becoming a normal family again... and rediscovering that we do in fact love each other. Oh there are still some peculiarities... but dogs and cats can get along, the lion and the lamb can lay down with each other...and a TBM and an Apostate can love each other and respect each others perspective. Life is Good.

I haven’t been to a church meeting in four weeks and I have no cause to attend in the future...

Oh Yeah I believe in Miracles!


Muir Family said...

I miss your posts at RfM. I am delighted to know that your family situation is better.

Best wishes!

bendevious said...

I find that if I spend too much time at RfM that I get a pretty worked up and it gets hard to live with my g-wearing, BOM totting TBM-Wife too...

Anonymous said...

Your wife has probably come to the realization that she replace you when she gets to heaven. That's the beauty of the gospel.

P.S. Could you send me her picture? I'm looking for number #2, and want to have some suitable canditates in mind before I get up there. I have a feeling that all of the good looking ones will be gone if I don't act now. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I am actually not a Recovering Mormon, but I am married to a True Believing Mormon. I get so upset at my husband's church. We have children together and am all out of excuses of why my daughter shouldn't go with him to church. Thank God for your site, some of us out here need sites like these. Go to Galatians 1:8 in the bible, it may help you.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog, and started at the beginning. After three posts, I know that I have much to look forward to...still (a mormon), been inactive for over 20 years, and finally have lost the desire to even be associated with the group...Please keep posting!